

The Centre for Research and Technology Hellas

The Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) is the leading research centre of Greece and one of the top EU research institutions in terms of participation in competitive research grants. CERTH consists of five Institutes, one of which is the Information Technologies Institute (ITI) which participates in SWITCHtoHEALTHY. CERTH-ITI (www.iti.gr) was founded in 1998 and is one of the leading Research Institutes of Greece in ICT. CERTH-ITI has participated in more than 390 European and National research projects (or subcontracts). Over the last seven years, the CERTH-ITI research team has authored over 260 publications in scientific journals and presented over 700 papers in international conferences. The Visual Computing Lab (VCL, https://vcl.iti.gr/) is part of CERTH-ITI and consists of 4 full-time senior researchers and more than 80 research associates. The VCL team has participated in more than 80 European and National research projects.

Main role in the project

The Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) will lead the digital technologies part of SWITCHtoHEALTHY (WP3 ‘Digital and educational tools’), also leading Task 3.1 ‘The AI-based APP for a personalized Med-based diet’, Task 3.3 ‘The educational game’, and Task 3.4 ‘The integrated SWITCHtoHEALTHY App’. CERTH will also participate in Task 1.3 ‘Co-creation and validation with families with children and adolescents’, Task 3.5 ‘Preparation of educational hands-on material for adolescents and families’, Task 4.1 ‘of the intervention study’, Task 4.2 ‘Deployment of the intervention study’, Task 4.3 ‘Data collection’, Task 6.1 ‘Communication and awareness campaign’, Task 6.4 ‘Exploitation & Replication Strategies’, Task 7.1 ‘Scientific and Technical coordination’, Task 7.2 ‘Legal and financial coordination’, and Task 7.3 ‘IP and Innovation management’.

contact person

Dr Kosmas Dimitropoulos (Researcher Grade C’)

