Welcome to The SwitchToHealthy Partners

BUU – Bursa Uludag University

Bursa Uludag University (BUU), established in 1975, is one of the largest government…

CEEBA – Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations

The Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations - CEEBA, was established to…

CERTH – The Centre for Research and Technology Hellas

The Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) is the leading research…

CHOCO – The Centre for Research and Technology Hellas

Chocorica SARL (CHOCO) is a manufacturer and distributor of cacao, fruit snacks,…

CNESTEN – National Energy Centre for Nuclear Science and Technology

The CNESTEN is a public research organization in nuclear science and technology,…

CNTA – National Centre for Food Technology and Safety

The National Centre for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), is a Spanish…

CONS – Consumers Lebanon

Consumers Lebanon established in 2000 is a non-profitable NGO dedicated to defend…

CREDA – Centre de recerca en economia

CREDA is a research foundation supported by two institutions: Universitat Politècnica de…

DACC – Departament d’Acció Climàtica, Alimentació i Agenda Rural

The Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda (DACC) is part…

Delafruit – Healthy food manufacturer

Delafruit is a global food organisation located in Tarragona in Spain since…

ENCO – engineering & consulting

ENCO is an experienced business innovation consulting company based in Naples, since…

Eurecat – Centre Tecnologic de Catalunya

EURECAT is the second largest private research organization in Southern Europe managing…

KBT – Izmir Il Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlügü

Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism

KOC – Kocahan Confectionery

Kocahan Confectionery (KOC) is an artisan SME established in 2020. Into the…


REGIONE CAMPANIA (RC) is the governing body of one of the biggest…


SLOW FOOD Tebourba is a non-profit association to safeguard local food production,…

UMP – University Mohammed Premier

University Mohammed Premier is a group of institutions in the Oriental region…

UNIPR – University of Parma

The University of Parma, in Italy, promotes knowledge creation, transfer and progress…