Campania “Open Farms” Day – SWITCHtoHEALTHY features new educational activities for the promotion of the Mediterranean Diet
Campania Region celebrated its annual “Open Farms” day on May 11, welcoming students and families to explore the 320 recognized educational farms. This event provided a unique opportunity for the community to engage with agricultural world and learn the importance of a healthy diet based on the Mediterranean model.
One of the highlights of the day was the introduction of the SWITCHtoHEALTHY initiative at the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Mezzogiorno (IZSM) in Portici (Naples).
The project was showcased through a variety of engaging activities aimed at different age groups, including a conference, a “World Café” workshop, and an original puppet show.
During the conference, the Director General of the Agriculture Department of Campania Region, Maria Passari, talked about the SWITCHtoHEALTHY initiatives and emphasized the importance of promoting the Mediterranean Diet through innovative approaches tailored to younger generations. This sentiment was echoed throughout the day’s events.
The “World Café” workshop proved particularly effective, involving around 25 students aged 15-17. Divided into four groups, the students were asked to discuss and provide ideas on promoting the Med Diet through the SWITCHtoHEALTHY initiative. The interactive format allowed for a dynamic exchange of ideas, with students rotating between groups and contributing their thoughts on posters. These insights will be compiled and analyzed, forming the basis of a report for the Permanent Observatory’s future work.
For the younger audience, the puppet show was set in a comic restaurant scene. The performance creatively conveyed the importance of the healthy Mediterranean Diet and talked about the SWITCHtoHEALTHY project, captivating the children with its humorous and educational storyline.
SWITCHtoHEALTHY was additionally promoted through a booth with the display and distribution of leaflets to families and students.
Video-interviews with stakeholders based on the importance of Mediterranean Diet were also carried out.