The European Union-funded PRIMA project SWITCHtoHEALTHY has just established the Permanent Observatory of Mediterranean Diet, with the coordination of Regione Campania, Italy. The Permanent Observatory will act as a platform for the exchange of information related to the Mediterranean diet, connecting a wide number of stakeholder (researchers, policymakers, food industry, nutritionists, and consumers), gathering data and information, providing knowledge and tools (Policy Guidelines), and promoting new actions.
The Permanent Observatory includes the project coordinator Enco srl (Italy), and the policy partners Dacc – Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda (Spain), Ktb – Izmir Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism (Turkey), and Ceeba – Confederation of Egyptian European Business Association (Egypt).
The Observatory will hold regular meetings, also with the participation of external stakeholders. Thanks to the study work and to the acquisition and analysis of the project SWITCHtoHEALTHY’s results, the Observatory will be able to provide policymakers and stakeholders in the sectors of nutrition and health with valuable insights and recommendations, in the form of policy briefs, vademecums, white papers.
The first meeting will take place at the end of May 2023.
Follow the project’s social accounts and website and stay updated on the Permanent Observatory’s works!